The Parish takes the protection of children and vulnerable adults as a primary concern. We support the strict policies and procedures laid down by the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service and administered locally by the Safeguarding Department of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle.
The parish has two safeguarding representatives:
Laurie Hurst and Phil Byrne.
Most volunteers and all paid workers are subject to background checks. The nature of the check depends upon the age of the volunteer and the extent to which the role requires involvement with those potentially at risk. If you wish to become involved in parish activities, your Youth Leader or Fr Keith will put you in touch with a safeguarding representative. Their contact details are on the notice board at the back of church or they can be approached directly after Mass. They will guide you through the application process which can be done as a paper copy or on-line.
Safeguarding representatives can also supply you with any further information or deal with any concerns you may have.
Alternatively, the Diocesan Safeguarding Service can be approached directly @
St. Vincent’s Diocesan Office,
St Cuthbert’s House,
West Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne.
NE15 7PY.
Tel: 0191 243 3305
e-mail: safeguarding@diocesehn.org.uk
web: www.rcdhn.org.uk