RCIA or Journey in Faith is the programme local Catholic Churches use to help people find out more about the Church and discover what it means to be a Catholic. It can lead to becoming a full member of the Church. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and is often also called Journey in Faith. It is indeed a journey and is a gradual process that takes place within the community.
RCIA in our Partnership
Following on from last year’s very successful course after which nearly twenty people were received into the Church, the John Ingram Partnership is supporting once again those who want to explore their personal faith journey in a more formal way. The course is taking place at St Patrick’s Church Hall, Felling and is run by three parishioners Terry, Trish and Alan.
The aim is to make the course as informal and interesting as possible, a time when people can really explore what being a Catholic would mean for them. For those who wish to, we can then liaise with their Parish Priest to facilitate them being received into the Church at Easter next year. There are other dates which we have to meet within
The aim is to make the course as informal and interesting as possible, a time when people can really explore what being a Catholic would mean for them. For those who wish to, we can then liaise with their Parish Priest to facilitate them being received into the Church at Easter next year. There are other dates which we have to meet within the diocese, but these can be talked through and explained during the course.
If you are interested, please contact Alan on 07976 402023 or feel welcome to join in at any stage by attending one of the sessions on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm in St Patrick’s Church Hall. All are welcome.Download RCIA John Ingram Partnership Programme 2018-19
Courses & Events
The Diocesan website www.rcdhn.org.uk gives detail of many courses and events offering on-going formation to adults.
Below is a link to the Faith and Ministry Directory, which outlines a range of different formation opportunities available throughout the Diocese from September 2018 to February 2019.

Please click the image above to download the booklet.
“Formation is not the privilege of a few, but a right and duty of all.” (Christifideles Laici, 63)
The Department for Spirituality produces a regular newsletter called Weavings to highlight opportunities for prayer and reflection and up-to-date spirituality news can be found on the Department’s Facebook page.

View the Diocesan Spiritual Formation Newsletter

Diocesan Facebook Page
The Department for Justice and Peace encourages commitment to action for Justice and Peace in the light of the Gospel message and Church teaching.Visit the Diocesan Justice and Peace webpage