The Intercessions are an opportunity during the Mass for the congregation to pray for specific intentions & are prepared by two small groups of 2-3 people, in 3-week blocks throughout the year. Initial training is required.
We don’t meet as such but communicate at church as required.
The readings of the day & theme of the Mass should be read prior to preparation. Any specific themes of the day should be taken into account eg days of prayer, feasts, liturgical calendar. The Cycle of Prayer also can give a focus.
The Intercession is in 3 parts:
- An invitation to the congregation, to pray for the intention
- A silence to allow the congregation to offer up their own prayer
- A short response to collect the prayers together & offer them up to the Lord
Subjects can be sought from several sources:
- Official – ie Church, Congregation, Priesthood etc
- Cycle of Prayer
- Readings – ie 1st & 2nd reading & Gospel of the day
- Current affairs
- Current news
- Local issues
- The Sick of the Parish & Personal Intentions
We are always pleased to welcome new readers
Contact : Ros Fish – rosf1234@outlook.com